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Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto
Output Type: Data Push

Do you keep the sales person / salesrep for an account updated in eAutomate or your CRM? Many of our alerts have the option to send to the sales person on the account, some companies prefer the eAutomate sales person to be the supply rep as there are more supply orders. Tell us which to use - CRM or eAuto.

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID653 Update key customer information in Compass Sherpa / WhiteCup No
ID19 Contract Expiring in X Number of Days We need 320 in order to accomodate clients running a CRM. By default if they are not, then this table is populated with the ARCustomers.Salesrep information No
ID256 Big Overage Bill This is required! No
ID100 New Call opened for equipment that has a status of Demo Needs this table for salesrep mappings to send alert to salesrep No
ID64 Preview of lease end information for admin to ensure accuracy Need to subscribe to 320 and advise where you have your salesrep/customer assignments stored (eautomate customer record, Goldmine, etc). No
ID65 Leases still active and expiring within W months (to sales) Need to subscribe to 320 and advise where you have your salesrep/customer assignments stored (eautomate customer record, Goldmine, etc). No
ID104 Contract Overages Yes
ID706 Notify Sales Rep that Contract has billed If the sales rep information is not kept up to date in E-Automate but needs to be pulled from CRM, use ID320. No
ID768 Biggest problem contracts without a plan No
ID297 Equipment with status tracked in ID177 datedue back within variableW days (or past due) No
ID593 Service Call that's a possible Sales Lead Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto? Yes
ID683 MIF Sales Opportunity Value Sales Rep Mapping Yes
ID923 Contract MIF Analysis Yes
ID799 Service call for a lease end machine ALert ID799 uses tables from ID320 to determine sales rep No
ID895 Message from Tech to Sales Used ID320 to determine Sales Rep assignment No
ID407 Outstanding Invoice/Credit Past Due X Days Uses ID320 for Sale Rep assignment (as of 2020 version) when VarY set to Cust No
ID20 Overage Rate check on Contracts Uses ID320 for determining To Sales recipients, does NOT use Sales Rep if listed on Contract Record Yes
ID8 New Service Calls & Sales Orders On Credit Hold + VariableW On Hold Codes Yes
ID215 Possible Duplicate Toner Order Yes
ID560 Low profit contract up for renewal/escalation Yes
ID581 Advise Sales of Customer Hold Status Yes
ID787 Lease Expiration Report Required as version 20211103 No
ID266 Notify Sales of Service Call Status by Call Type (or for ALL Install Category Types) Uses ID320 table to determine who Account Sales Rep is No
ID185 List Customers On Hold No
ID789 Customers not using all your key services Yes
ID289 Customers with AR Past Due More than Usual Yes

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