Review of Service Lease Records to review for accuracy and make the necessary adjustments in eAutomate. This alert should go at least a day or two before the 2nd alert that goes to your sales team (ID65).
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID65 | Leases still active and expiring within W months (to sales) | Alert to send to reps | No |
ID320 | Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto | Need to subscribe to 320 and advise where you have your salesrep/customer assignments stored (eautomate customer record, Goldmine, etc). | No |
ID593 | Service Call that's a possible Sales Lead | Use ID64 to ensure your lease information in eAuto is accurate. | No |
ID799 | Service call for a lease end machine | ID64 will ensure the lease data presented in ID799 is accurate. | No |
ID824 | Contract Termination Date vs Lease Termination Date | No |
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