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Preview of lease end information for admin to ensure accuracy
Output Type: Email

Review of Service Lease Records to review for accuracy and make the necessary adjustments in eAutomate. This alert should go at least a day or two before the 2nd alert that goes to your sales team (ID65).

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID65 Leases still active and expiring within W months (to sales) Alert to send to reps No
ID320 Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto Need to subscribe to 320 and advise where you have your salesrep/customer assignments stored (eautomate customer record, Goldmine, etc). No
ID593 Service Call that's a possible Sales Lead Use ID64 to ensure your lease information in eAuto is accurate. No
ID799 Service call for a lease end machine ID64 will ensure the lease data presented in ID799 is accurate. No
ID824 Contract Termination Date vs Lease Termination Date No

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