Ever put $1500 of Imaging Units in to a machine only to see it ship back to the leasing company a week later? This alert is a variation on ID593 which is designed to let a sales person know when a service call might be an upgrade opportunity. This alert is to always let the tech know when the call is for equipment where the lease expires in W days. Make sure you also subscribe to ID64 to ensure your lease data is accurate.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID593 | Service Call that's a possible Sales Lead | ID593 reports to sales and/or tech on many reasons why there might be an upgrade opportunity, ID799 just looks at lease ending soon and is designed to go to tech. | No |
ID64 | Preview of lease end information for admin to ensure accuracy | ID64 will ensure the lease data presented in ID799 is accurate. | No |
ID519 | Ensuring new leases get entered in eAutomate | ID519 will ensure you are entering lease information in eAutomate for new deals. | No |
ID762 | Call Dispatched to Eqp on Contract about to expire | ID799 advises on a service call for a machine where the lease is almost up, ID 762 is where the contract is almost up. | No |
ID320 | Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto | ALert ID799 uses tables from ID320 to determine sales rep | No |
ID463 | Contract Exp W Days Universal | ID463 will notify of contracts about to expire that may not be leased | No |
ID911 | Supply Order placed against Contract due to Expire | No |
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