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Leases still active and expiring within W months (to sales)
Output Type: Email

Alerts sales reps (will look first to ID320 subscription for sales rep info and if nothing present will look to the customer record in eAutomate) to leases that are expiring within the # of months you specify as (W) variable. Leases expiring within W months will continue to appear on this report until they are marked InActive! This report will also pull the last note off of the lease from the e-automate notes where the notetype = VariableX above.

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID64 Preview of lease end information for admin to ensure accuracy No
ID320 Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto Need to subscribe to 320 and advise where you have your salesrep/customer assignments stored (eautomate customer record, Goldmine, etc). No
ID519 Ensuring new leases get entered in eAutomate ID519 will ensure you are entering lease information in eAutomate for new deals. No
ID787 Lease Expiration Report ID787 based on lease linked to Contract Record, ID65 just pulling from Service Lease Records No
ID245 Sales Rep Email and/or Manager Assignment Missing No
ID677 Technician inventory carstock not counted No
ID667 Update Service Leases in eAuto No

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