Ensuring your reps are on top of lease end deals is critical (ID65 helps), ensuring techs are not putting parts in machines about to go back to the leasing company is also important (ID799) and you also need to ensure your leasing company is charging correctly when it comes to increases etc and that your reps have accurate information when quoting upgrade options.
Up to now getting all your lease data in eAutomate and keeping it updated is a very manual process and can be a challenge!
This process uses an App to compare the lease data you have in eAutomate with your leasing company and choose what to update in eAuto. We can pull the leasing information through an API for Great America customers and pull from a spreadsheet for others (chase them to get us API access, no charge to leasing co. We are working with CIT and talking to Leaf).
We also often see where an addendum is signed and while the dealer has the original lease entered correctly, the update never makes it to eAuto.
If no data is in eAuto then just push everything in.
We see very few dealers take the time to list all the equipment on each lease as it is just too much work, so we added that also.
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