[*NOTE: as of Oct 2016 please subscribe to ID420/ID421/ID422 series in place of ID177/ID297]
YOU MUST ALSO BE SUBSCRIBED TO ID177 and ID320 to use this alert as it is part of a complete lease return tracking process defined in the pre-requisite document on eventoutputid ID177. Using the same custom properties you built for ID177 this alert watches and alerts you weekly on equipment dueback variableX days from today (or past due) with the status you indicate in variableW. We use your VariableZ on subscription on ID177 to identify the duebackdate attribute for the custom properties you created as part of the process.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID177 | Tracking of Equipment picked up from customers to be returned to leasing company | See this post re ID177 and ID297 https://ceojuice.zendesk.com/entries/21911728-ID177-ID297-Return-to-Lease-Reports-Prerequisites | No |
ID320 | Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto | No | |
ID420 | Stop leases going in to Evergreen | Please use ID420/ID421/ID422 in place of ID177/ID297 | No |
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