[*NOTE: as of Oct 2016 please subscribe to ID420/ID421/ID422 series in place of ID177/ID297]
An issue for a lot of our clients is keeping track of equipment picked up to be returned to leasing company, especially if we're picking up the equipment to hold for an extended period. What we recommend is a process using the equipment history tracking, custom attributes, and to populate two custom attributes you create and assign to your Equipment Records. Return-to-Lease-Reports-Prerequisites.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID297 | Equipment with status tracked in ID177 datedue back within variableW days (or past due) | See this post re ID177 and ID297 https://ceojuice.zendesk.com/entries/21911728-ID177-ID297-Return-to-Lease-Reports-Prerequisites | No |
ID420 | Stop leases going in to Evergreen | Please use ID420/ID421/ID422 in place of ID177/ID297 | No |
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