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Stop leases going in to Evergreen
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We can help you track your competitively replaced lease returns with this series of alerts. Many dealers now store competitive equipment as the leasing companies will not take it back before lease end. Ensuring that these leases do not renew and the equipment gets returned in a timely manner is imperative in keeping your margins. This alert is designed to advise you that (according to your records) your customer has not yet sent a letter to the leasing company advising them that they wish to terminate the lease and not go into automatic renewal, and the letter is due to be sent. This is a series of 3 alerts (ID420, ID421, ID422) based on using equipment status, so all your competitive leases need an equipment record (but do not need to be brought in to inventory).

There is also a variable where you can enter in the Attribute Name (custom property) created for the lease return custom property configuration and that attribute can be used as a 'snooze' date.  We found that there are many instances where the machines status/lease return due date fall into the alert's parameters (due within XX days), and we contact the sales rep to have them start trying to get the EOL letter from customer, and we don't expect any action for maybe a week or more.  So we want the alert to be machines that need the EOL letter process started (obtaining from cutomers) , but we don't want to see the same machine show up until we havn't received the letter by XX/XX/XXXX date.  So we added the additional functionality to check for a snooze date, and if one is assigned to the equipment the alert will not pick up that machine until the snooze date is reached.

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID421 Lease Returns Now/Past Due Not Shipped back to leasing company yet No
ID422 Lease Return Process Equipment for VariableW Status that are missing custom properties No
ID177 Tracking of Equipment picked up from customers to be returned to leasing company Please use ID420/ID421/ID422 in place of ID177/ID297 No
ID297 Equipment with status tracked in ID177 datedue back within variableW days (or past due) Please use ID420/ID421/ID422 in place of ID177/ID297 No
ID827 Equipment Cover Sheet No

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