Many dealers now store competitive equipment as the leasing companies will not take it back before lease end. Ensuring that these leases do not renew and that the equipment gets returned in a timely manner can save a lot of finance charges. This is the final alert to try and ensure the equipment is shipped back to the leasing company. It is advising you when you actually need to return the equipment or arrange for your customer to do so in time to avoid the auto lease renewal. This is a series of 3 alerts (ID420, ID421, ID422) based on using equipment status, so all your competitive leases need an equipment record (but do not need to be brought in to inventory). There are 2 new variables added in version 2021.05.11 for sending a different message to an external contact. Variable4 (Lookup Attribute on CMContacts to assign the contact for the ITT ship-in dealer) and Variable5 (the equipment status code used to track 'return to dealer').
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