Need to understand if your printer clicks are growing or shrinking, what % of black clicks are running on color boxes? Our Contract MIF analysis shows down to the Model Level details such as clicks billed, service call stats and total machine count. Also provides drill down to the serial number at the necessary spots in the report. Note that you need to have SQL Reporting Services running and that you need to use our model mapping app (ID295).
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID334 | HouseKeeping CEOJuice Background Tables | Requires revision 20150626 or higher for [fn_dwSCContractEquipmentItemMeterPrdData] so that it segregates out Lease Income into separate bucket | Yes |
ID150 | Contract Profitability by Rolling Month | The MIF report uses the data rolled up from id150's ZCJ_ContractAnalyticTable_UpdateRM stored procedure that updates the table [ZCJ_ContractAnalyticProfitAlert_RM] | Yes |
ID295 | Model Mapping and Key Services App | Yes | |
ID906 | HouseKeeping SQL Reporting Services Implemented | No | |
ID320 | Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto | Yes | |
ID587 | Contracts Lost & Won (PBI version rec. ID281) | ID587 SSRS Report showing contract trending | No |
ID225 | Equipment MIF/Population Report by Territory | ID923 is our new SSRS version of the MIF report, a significant improvement. | No |
ID286 | Excel Active Contract Equipment by ZipCode with volume/segment/model (MIF/Territory) | No | |
ID683 | MIF Sales Opportunity Value | No |
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