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Customers with AR Past Due More than Usual
Output Type: Email

Letting a customer who is having cash flow issues get deeper in the hole is not doing any favors for either company. They may end up being forced to move service to a competitor when they can no longer pay your bill. This alert will warn when a customer's payments are later than normal, perhaps they normally pay 40 days late and now the average is 60. It might make sense to also have this alert go to the sales person on the account. Could a customer with new cash flow issues be a prospect for a contract rewrite or a cost saving measure such as adding printers?

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID21 AR Past Due Customer Not Contacted No
ID407 Outstanding Invoice/Credit Past Due X Days No
ID273 Alert all Contract invoices past due > W Days No
ID134 Invoices for Sales Orders Past Due No
ID576 Daily Housekeeping Tasks Yes
ID320 Where do you keep sales rep info, CRM or eAuto Yes

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