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HouseKeeping Required for all customers
Output Type: AnalysisTables

This task is required for all our customers as it is the main component for almost all service call related alerts. There are no messages created by this alert, it does however run every 15 minutes to update the business elapsed times for all time related metrics on open calls (dispatched, onsite, onhold, etc).

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID37 Call Board Summary Status 141 is REQUIRED to update the calltime log No
ID18 Guaranteed response time could be missed Update Call Times Yes
ID93 Pending 'CM' calls that are within (W) minutes of due time with EscalationAlert within X (customer down) Updates Call Times (only required on versions prior to 20210120) No
ID172 Tech Status Report, highlights MIA (not Dispatched or Arrived at Site) Background tables required to be running Yes
ID8 New Service Calls & Sales Orders On Credit Hold + VariableW On Hold Codes Yes
ID593 Service Call that's a possible Sales Lead Yes
ID56 New OnHold for Parts (WP/BadSync ) call just created Yes
ID55 Notify of rescheduled Call Created onhold WP and/or Badsync and PartsCost Exceeds Yes
ID2 Dispatched/OnSite After Hours Yes
ID16 Dispatched/OnSite After Hours - Escalated to Manager Yes
ID7 Open Calls where techname contains VariableZ > W hours (Escalated) Yes
ID4 Calls with priority W older than X Mins Yes
ID5 Calls with Priority W > X Min (Escalated) Yes
ID294 Calls On Hold Starting With Yes
ID181 To notify customers when a service call is Opened/Dispatched/Closed/Canceled/Invoiced No
ID181 To notify customers when a service call is Opened/Dispatched/Closed/Canceled/Invoiced No
ID129 All Sales Orders/Service Calls on hold by type greater than W business hours Yes
ID9 Service Calls on Hold like WP > W business Hours (Escalate > X hours) Call must be in the ZCJ_CallTimes table in order to alert on ID9 Yes
ID619 List of Technicians Calls waiting for Parts, and the parts have not been ordered No

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