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New OnHold for Parts (WP/BadSync ) call just created
Output Type: Email

For managers who want their parts department to be notified as soon as a new On Hold For Parts or BadSync call is created. In the alert email, calls with bad sync data from Remote Tech will denote those items. ID56 is to alert your parts/warehouse typically when a call with bad sync data and/or a new call OnHoldForParts is created. This is so they know to check e-automate and resolve the bad sync or refresh ILC. ID55 is to alert when a new call was created on hold for Waiting parts or for BadSync and EITHER the TOTAL parts cost exceeds VariableW OR any individual part cost exceeds VariableX. This alert typically is for the tech's manager to watch for parts cost on rescheduled calls before the parts are ordered or installed. **Please note this alert will only look back to calls 15 regulars hours (not business hours) old or younger

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID310 Call OnHold status = BadSync for longer than VariableW minutes ID56 sends an alert to your inventory team anytime a new call is created with badsync data, ID310 will watch and report calls that are still onhold status badsync for longer than W minutes and continue to list all calls badsync that are still in that status. As your team processes a badsync call they typically would changed the onhold status to reflect the real status of the call (parts ordered / parts available / etc). No
ID141 HouseKeeping Required for all customers Yes
ID947 Daily Housekeeping Tasks Yes
ID55 Notify of rescheduled Call Created onhold WP and/or Badsync and PartsCost Exceeds No
ID124 Custom Service Call Pick Ticket Waiting for Parts No
ID148 New Incompleted/Rescheduled Call created with part costing > $W No
ID760 Rescheduled Call from previous call where parts were ordered on a PO No
ID755 Parts Ordered on PO were not used when Call closed No
ID342 Alert to tech when parts on new rescheduled call are available in other warehouses No
ID582 Sales Order Item(s) on back order not linked to PO No

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