Checks newly created rescheduled call items and send alert to tech of item availability in other warehouses. Will show all warehouses where qty on hand >0. Alert does not look at the techs warehouse assigned to the call. It strictly looks at warehouses that are not associated to the tech on the call. It assumes a best practice that the tech wouldn't have rescheduled the call if he/she already had the part in stock. Also if the tech did have it in stock, but it was for a different call, then the part should be allocated to that call making it not available in his stock. It looks at real time on hand quantities.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID628 | Call incompleted for Parts but Tech has Parts Needed | ID342 tells when a call was incomplete for parts but other techs have part, ID628 is when tech incompleting has parts. | No |
ID55 | Notify of rescheduled Call Created onhold WP and/or Badsync and PartsCost Exceeds | No | |
ID56 | New OnHold for Parts (WP/BadSync ) call just created | No |
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