Are your techs just throwing parts at the problem? Service Management wants to track where techs are rescheduling calls and ordering parts to be installed, receiving and installing the parts, but still having to reschedule again (or a callback triggered after putting in a bunch of ordered parts). Trying to identify when the tech is putting in high $ parts that do not rectify the problem and see if those should be uninstalled and put back to inventory if they did not resolve the problem.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID44 | Non Billable Part at Cost Exceeding W Used on Call | No | |
ID55 | Notify of rescheduled Call Created onhold WP and/or Badsync and PartsCost Exceeds | No | |
ID56 | New OnHold for Parts (WP/BadSync ) call just created | No | |
ID148 | New Incompleted/Rescheduled Call created with part costing > $W | No | |
ID628 | Call incompleted for Parts but Tech has Parts Needed | No | |
ID629 | Parts Required on Incomplete Call | No | |
ID393 | Same Part Number Causing Reschedule for Parts (tech ordered part) twice in 30 days | No | |
ID755 | Parts Ordered on PO were not used when Call closed | No |
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