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Parts Required on Incomplete Call
Output Type: Email & Custom Report

This alert provides monthly list of parts techs were missing in their car stock and were therefore forced to reschedule the service call. Al looks to see exactly what parts the tech had in stock at the time (s)he rescheduled the call and report only those parts that the tech was missing at that time, so you get a read on exactly which parts are causing you problems.

Branch Roles not available, but Branch VariableY filter is. Alert intended to provide you qty of reschedules at Item Level, we can't sort out and limit occurrences by branch.

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID393 Same Part Number Causing Reschedule for Parts (tech ordered part) twice in 30 days No
ID628 Call incompleted for Parts but Tech has Parts Needed No
ID760 Rescheduled Call from previous call where parts were ordered on a PO Are your techs just throwing parts at the problem? Service Management want to track where techs are rescheduling calls and ordering parts to be installed, receiving and installing the parts, but still having to reschedule again (or a callback triggered after putting in a bunch of ordered parts). Trying to identify when the tech is putting in high $ parts that do not rectify the problem and see if those should be uninstalled and put back to inventory if they did not resolve the problem. No
ID880 Technician Carstock Effectiveness No
ID619 List of Technicians Calls waiting for Parts, and the parts have not been ordered No
ID55 Notify of rescheduled Call Created onhold WP and/or Badsync and PartsCost Exceeds No
ID755 Parts Ordered on PO were not used when Call closed No
ID418 Incomplete Call per Incomplete Code in VarW No

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