This process will review all calls on hold, WP-waiting for parts calls by default (use variable W to add other on hold codes), and advise if the parts they're waiting for do not appear on a PO linked to the Call in question. The email will let you know whether an individual item is missing, or if the Call is not linked to a PO or a transfer order. This alert is designed to go to the techs so they can chase the Parts Manager, and you can also put your Parts Manager on copy so they know to research.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID52 | POs tied to calls Created Today to Technician | The main difference between ID52 and ID619 is that ID52 sends the tech a list of all parts ordered today and asks them to confirm nothing is missing. ID619 sends a list of parts which should have been ordered but haven't been yet. ID619 can also monitor more on hold codes than ID52 can. | No |
ID141 | HouseKeeping Required for all customers | No | |
ID628 | Call incompleted for Parts but Tech has Parts Needed | No | |
ID629 | Parts Required on Incomplete Call | No |
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