Many manufacturers include a warranty on their devices, it is up to the servicing dealer to ensure they are claiming the warranty dollars due for each of these devices. This alert will trigger on service calls where the warranty date on the equipment record is greater than today. The alert will fire when the call is opened, and will trigger again (upon dispatch) if the call is reassigned to another tech, so the technicians are aware they are going to work on a warrantied machine and follow the proper procedures to receive warranty reimbursements.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID443 | Alert At The End Of The Day For Closed Calls With Equipment Still Under Warranty | ID561 fires when the call is opened, so action can be taken based on the fact that it’s a warranty call. ID443 is an alert for when a warranty call is closed. | No |
ID509 | Eqp installed without Warranty Date or Install Date set (In Development) | No | |
ID290 | Equipment with Warranty Billcode (begins with VariableW ) past Warranty Date | No | |
ID176 | Call Opened/Closed alert on New Equipment within X Days of Install | No | |
ID90 | Parts Warranty, part used on Machine below mfg item yield and/or core item | ID443 reports at end of the day, ID561 tells on a new call created. ID90 is an ITEM warranty, 561/443 are EQUIPMENT warranties. | No |
ID919 | Parts Not Meeting Yield/Konica (HP) Version | No | |
ID921 | Parts Not Meeting Yield/Canon Version | No |
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