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Contract change audit
Output Type: Email

This alert is an audit log of changes to existing Contract Record(s). One excel workbook containing up to seven worksheets - Summary / Contracts Updated / Contracts Created or Terminated  / Contract Equipment or Items Updated / Contract Equipment or Items Created / Meter Groups Updated / Meter Groups Created. 

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID169 Item change audit ID169/Item critical change ID174/Contract changes ID325/Customer changes ID707/Vendor changes No
ID325 Customer change audit ID169/Item critical change ID174/Contract changes ID325/Customer changes No
ID611 Equipment Change Audit ID169/Item critical change ID174/Contract changes ID325/Customer changes ID611/Equipment No
ID617 Contracts Terminated Today No
ID221 eAutomate Users not set up correctly No
ID491 Monitoring Item Records for Inventory Code Change No
ID560 Low profit contract up for renewal/escalation Typically contracts increase by X% on the anniversary date, the base rate and the overage rate will increase but the credit rate for underages does not change. ID174 helps monitor this, change the credit rate when this report is received. No
ID150 Contract Profitability by Rolling Month Typically contracts increase by X% on the anniversary date, the base rate and the overage rate will increase but the credit rate for underages does not change. ID174 helps monitor this, change the credit rate when this report is received. No
ID638 Bill Code change audit ID169 changes to ITEMS, ID174 changes to CONTRACTS, ID325 changes to CUSTOMERS, ID611 changes to EQUIPMENT,ID638 changes to BILL CODES, ID641 changes to BILLING ACCOUNT CODES No
ID641 Billing account codes change audit ID169 changes to ITEMS, ID174 changes to CONTRACTS, ID325 changes to CUSTOMERS, ID611 changes to EQUIPMENT,ID638 changes to BILL CODES, ID641 changes to BILLING ACCOUNT CODES No
ID707 Vendor Record Information Created / Changed Audit Log No

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