Tools like FM Audit, Print Audit & Print Fleet have a lot of useful data but getting it filtered and to the correct people can be a challenge. We also see clients where the meter table size is out of control as various tools import all meters for all devices they monitor.
This process pushes meters from various DCAs as well as our other processes that import meters (ID398 for meters emailed for devices and ID311 for meters from MPSMonitor or HPSDS Action Center), reviews your variable Billing and Date Limiter settings, then only pushes to eAutomate those needed for billing, vastly reducing your meter table size.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID295 | Model Mapping and Key Services App | Yes | |
ID29 | FM Audit API Integration | No | |
ID192 | Printanista API Integration | No | |
ID448 | EKM (Predictive-Insight) API Integration | No | |
ID76 | KPAX API Integration | No | |
ID311 | HP SDS Action Center & MPS Monitor API Integration | No | |
ID240 | Kyocera Fleet Services API Integration | No | |
ID32 | Sharp MICAS API Integration | No | |
ID252 | Contract Equipment Missing Meter Collection Info | No | |
ID365 | Oberon NextGen API Integration | No | |
ID763 | Xerox API Integration | No | |
ID848 | 3Manager DCA integration (API) | No | |
ID398 | Update Meters from Emails | No | |
ID742 | Convert Sales Quotes for specified creatorID(s) to Sales Orders (In development) | ID968 required | No |
ID605 | Lexmarks API Integration (in Development) | No |
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