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Worst Profitable Contract Customers
Output Type: Email

 **As of Fall 2020, please use alert ID768 to create new/additional subscription using Customer Level reporting via Variable8**

Our alert ID768 tells you about your worst performing contracts. It does also tell about the profitability at the customer level as you may be losing on one contract but making a lot on another. This alert looks at contract profit by customer not contract. You can choose from any of the parameters available on the custom report to determine "worst offenders" or go with our selection of: Variable1 (10) worst, in place at least 6 months, ranked by largest dollar loss, excluding "Snoozed". We allow you to store a documented action plan to fix the contract and decide on a date to review if the fix has worked and until that date the contract will be "Snoozed". The important difference in this event and the other, is this one is Worst Customers under contract, whereas the others are all worst 'contracts'. This is contracts only so not looking at equipment sales etc.

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID768 Biggest problem contracts without a plan ID768 tells about your worst performing Contracts, ID773 is worst performing Customers (all contracts). No
ID334 HouseKeeping CEOJuice Background Tables Yes
ID758 Biggest toner problem Contracts losing money ID768 or ID560 or ID773 required if you want to use the note functionality. No

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