Customers who do not hit their minimum contracted volumes can be some of your most profitable contracts. However if the competition gets in there and points out that they are paying for service they are not getting, it can result in an unhappy customer. A message to your customer that says "we may need to review your contracted volume" will probably be ignored by your customer but lets you say that you reached out.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID321 | Alert on last Contract invoice if Overage > W% of Base or Underage <X% of Base | ID330 is designed as a quick review, ID321 is a more detailed report which includes a PDF. | No |
ID256 | Big Overage Bill | ID256 to watch volume trends overage/underage ID330 when a customer not hitting minimum volumes | No |
ID918 | Invoices billing Overage or Underage | We suggest using ID918 in place of ID330 as we are no longer relying on ECi analytics and ID330 is analytics based | No |
ID334 | HouseKeeping CEOJuice Background Tables | Analytics required for this alert | Yes |
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