Changing DCAs is a major event and typically requires a tech onsite. This process will notify your techs to install a DCA agent at the location they have been dispatched to. This process uses our DCA tables OR a Custom Property you are maintaining to determine if equipment with an existing service call has the designated DCA actively reporting. If not, then adds a note to the call description for tech to install the new agent.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID32 | Sharp MICAS API Integration | No | |
ID29 | FM Audit API Integration | No | |
ID30 | Supplies Network API Integration (In Development) | No | |
ID76 | KPAX API Integration | No | |
ID126 | B2B Toolbox Integration | No | |
ID192 | Printanista API Integration | No | |
ID240 | Kyocera Fleet Services API Integration | No | |
ID311 | HP SDS Action Center & MPS Monitor API Integration | No | |
ID448 | EKM (Predictive-Insight) API Integration | No | |
ID489 | Calls of Call Type W still open after X hours for customer Y | No |
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