This process emails your dispatcher within 15 minutes (person who entered the service call in the system) if they forget to add a contact and email in the Caller Contact field of the service call. Capturing customers contact information is a critical component to communicating effectively to your customers. One of the best places to capture this information is when service calls are placed. If the contact is not in eAutomate, your dispatchers should take the extra minute to capture the caller's name, phone, and email address. Typically, the same person(s) calls on the equipment for service and once they are in eAutomate it saves many keystrokes on every call.
Note: This task WILL UPDATE your rescheduled service calls with the original calls caller contact information if the rescheduled call has dropped that information. There is a fault in the DGI reschedule process that sometimes drops the associated contact record calls that are created automatically by eAutomate's incomplete/reschedule process.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID188 | Daily Summary showing calls that did or not have a contact & email link | No | |
ID838 | Manu data sharing agreement | ID87 will not catch eInfo calls or tech calls, use ID838 and enter an email in the CC box to allow someone to fix these calls. | No |
ID735 | Checks existing contact records for duplicates | ID735 will tell you if you are creating duplicate contacts | No |
ID109 | Survey Customer after Service Call is Closed | Dispatch needs to get an email to send the survey to, 87 will prompt them when they forget. | No |
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