An alert similar to ones for Customers and Equipment, and will deactivate contacts created more than X months ago which are not linked to an Active Customer Record or assigned to any Active Record(ex: Contract, Equipment) or assigned to any non-closed transaction (ex: Sales Order, AR Task). It is installed in test mode with no changes being made to your data until you have a chance to review and tell us to 'go live'. At that point the alert runs monthly and automatically deactivates contacts, advising you which contacts have been deactivated.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID735 | Checks existing contact records for duplicates | No | |
ID433 | App Utility to Fix Duplicates - Contact & Item Records (De-Dup App) | Us ID433 App to Merge Duplicate Contact Records | No |
ID337 | Mark Item Records Inactive | No | |
ID156 | Mark Customers Inactive | No | |
ID157 | Mark Equipment Inactive | No | |
ID305 | Validate Email Address Field on all Contact Records | No |
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