This alert triggers for all Service Calls on hold greater than Variable W hours (Business Hours). This alert is a variation of ID129 All On Hold Sales Orders and Service Calls, but only triggers on service calls. There is also an option to set an upper limit on the number of hours on hold with variable Y, so that you could set the alert to see calls on hold longer than W hours, but not longer than Y hours.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID129 | All Sales Orders/Service Calls on hold by type greater than W business hours | No | |
ID489 | Calls of Call Type W still open after X hours for customer Y | No | |
ID294 | Calls On Hold Starting With | No | |
ID8 | New Service Calls & Sales Orders On Credit Hold + VariableW On Hold Codes | No | |
ID654 | Call placed on hold awaiting customer reply | No |
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