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Setup/Delivery Service Call(s) Generated from Sales Order Status
Output Type: Email

Use ID815 in place of ID959 (Sept 2021)

To generate service call(s) when a sales order status is triggered in the corresponding sales process alert (id348, etc.)).  This version will generate a call for each call type  specified in the variables below accordingly, for each 'Host' item on the sales order. 

Typically, sales orders for equipment go thru 3 steps (not including the picking step in the warehouse) that typically require a service call.  Setup (build), Setup Programming (configuration for remote install), and Delivery. Additionally, there are occasions when equipment has to be picked up to return to leasing company as part of the deal that require a 4th call for the pick up of those trade-in/return machines.

  • Variable 1 is where you specify the call type, tech number, on hold code (optional) to assign to the Setup Shop calls.  Separate the values with commas i.e.,('SHOP', 'MK01', 'SSAHold') would create a call with call type = 'SHOP' assigned to tech number 'MK01' and placed on hold 'SSAHold'). Leave the on hold code off if you don't want us to create the call and put it on hold.
  • Variable 2 is where you specify the call type, tech number, on hold code (optional) to assign to the Programming calls.  Separate the values with commas.
  • Variable 3 is where you specify the call type, tech number, on hold code (optional) to assign to the Pickup calls. 
  • Variable 4 is where you specify the call type, tech number, on hold code (optional) to assign to the Delivery calls.
  • Variable 5 is where you specify the call type, tech number, on hold code (optional) to assign to the Site Inspection calls (requires Variable6 value!).
  • Variable 6 is where you specify the serviceable item you created to use on sales orders to indicate a Site Inspection is required for that SO.
  • Variable 7 is where you specify the call type, tech number, on hold code (optional) to assign to any post delivery setup calls.
  • Variable 8 is where you specify the bill code to use on all the calls created by this process.
  • Variable W is the Custom Property attribute name you created as a "yes/No' attribute to indicate whether or not the model requires a programming setup call.  You should default this attribute to 'Yes' and then you only update the Host models (W/F, Scanners, etc.) and set that attribute to 'No'.  If the model doesn't have that attribute value associated, this process will assume that a programming/config call is to be created.
  • Variable Z is the call type you want assigned to the 'Delivery' call this process will create.  Leave this blank if you do not want a delivery call created as part of this process for each non-negative quantity model 'is host' line items.
  • Variable X is the truck technician you want assigned to all 'Delivery' and 'Pick Up' type calls if you specify to have those call types created.
  • Variable 8 is the bill code to be assigned to all the calls created in this process.
  • Variable Y is the # of delivery calls you wish to be created for each sales order...1 for the entire order or 1 for each Host item on the sales order.

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ID # Description Notes Required
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ID348 Update Reps on Equipment Orders No

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