This alert checks if Equipment Records with specified Bill Codes are on Contract. This alert intended to be used with ID35 to track newly placed equipment you've set to ensure not billed for service/supplies before contract is set up. You must enter a value for EITHER VariableW or VariableY.
ID # | Description | Notes | Required |
ID35 | Ensure new customer is not billed for supplies/service | ID35 looks for equipment that has Billcode in W (the variable) still assigned and has been installed greater then X days and is NOT on an active contract so that you know a) someone never setup the contract or b) forgot to flip the equipment billcode or c) it's a ship out and billcode still needs to be flipped. ID47 notifies when a equipment has the variablew billcodes AND is on an active contract, meaning someone forgot to flip the equipment billcode when they setup the contract. | No |
ID347 | CM Service call at Zero $0 but no contract associated to call | No | |
ID23 | Supplies Shipped at $0 but not linked to a Contract on the Order | ID35 looks for equipment that has Billcode in W (the variable) still assigned and has been installed greater then X days and is NOT on an active contract so that you know a) someone never setup the contract or b) forgot to flip the equipment billcode or c) it's a ship out and billcode still needs to be flipped. ID47 notifies when a equipment has the variablew billcodes AND is on an active contract, meaning someone forgot to flip the equipment billcode when they setup the contract. | No |
ID176 | Call Opened/Closed alert on New Equipment within X Days of Install | No |
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