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Combine Freight Charges On ContractEquipment Misc Tab for Invoice
Output Type: Email

95% of clients will want ID750 Customer will often complain about getting numerous small charges for freight when toner freight is chargeable. This process allows you to have all these charges show only on the contract invoice. This alert takes advantage of new functionality available in e-automate 8.0 to automatically increment the misc charge on a contract when a supply order is shipped. We are now able to do this while maintaining a permanent record on the contract of what was billed for which shipment, and when. This will happen automatically at the time the Supply Order is invoiced, and will even be reversed if the Supply order is later cancelled or un-fulfilled. You will be able to control whether this incremented charge is billed with the base, or only at time of overage billing. When invoiced the customer will see an itemized breakdown of what they were billed for. This alert will look at SalesOrder Shipments where the "Bill" checkbox is not checked and the item is associated with a piece of equipment on a contract and will create/append the $$ amount specificed in variableX to the EquipmentMiscCharge on the contract selected in the sales order. 

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ID # Description Notes Required
ID750 Combine Freight Charges On Contract Equipment Misc Tab for Invoice ID600 charges a specific rate per item regardless of weight or cost, ID750 uses a % of actual cost. 95% of client will want ID750. No

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