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OnShip Parcel & Freight Shipments
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Need an easy way to switch from UPS to Fedex if UPS goes on strike? Juice has you covered! But don't wait until the last minute!

ID530 is our UPS integration with eAutomate and ID531 is FedEx. We have been searching for a solution for address correction where we see clients paying hundreds of dollars in address correction fees each month ( This is an integration with OnShip (, OnShip allows you to shop for the lowest shipping cost, or pick the lowest 2 day or say always ship FedEx, or bill my customer's UPS. 

For our Midwest clients, OnShip supports SpeeDee.

It also works for LTL shipments (freight) and that can get into some big savings on machines being shipped out. 

OnShip has address correction built-in and we can write the corrected address back to eAuto along with tracking, etc. We have the option to report what OnShip is saving you each month on their lower rates plus show avoided address correct charges. OnShip is waiving their monthly fees for Juice clients.

Note that we also have an integration with ShipStation (part of ID503. ShipStation has some very creative options around labels but does not support SpeeDee. Both integration are designed to allow you to easily switch back to UPS WorldShip (or FedEx).

As with all of our integrations, this is included in your monthly fee. 

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID503 ShipStation Parcel & Freight Shipments No
ID530 UPS Integration with e-automate No
ID531 FedEx Integration with e-automate No

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