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Contracts where billcode contains variableW and Meter Group Missing or No rate or No Overage Billing Cycle
Output Type: Email

We have clients who have some issues with contracts not being setup correctly for Meters, this alert checks contracts where the actual billing code match the billing codes used in VariableW (multiple allowed, separated by comma) and then report any of those contracts where there is no meter group, or there is a meter group with 0 rate, or there is no overage billing cycle. If you entered the characters SI in VariableW above, then the alert will check all contracts where the billing code contains the characters SI. Individual contracts can be excluded with VariableX by setting the contract custom property to YES. This alert will repeat every time it runs until the reported contract meter group issues are corrected, and it runs once a day typically at 4:30.

Related Alerts
ID # Description Notes Required
ID203 Service Contract Overages still in Billing Queue (not billed out) past the billing expected by date ID160 advises of multiple potential issues with contract settings, ID203 advises of contracts due to bill and also flags one specific contract setting issue. No
ID293 Contract Equipment not in any Meter Group No

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